Forest & Bird - Places for Penguins
Forest & Bird - Places for Penguins
Date started: 2007
Purpose of group: To enable the sustainability of Wellington’s kororā (little blue penguin, Eudyptula minor) population, as well as develop pride and the desire to protect them within the local community.
About the group: We are a small and efficient community-based conservation project group operating around Wellington coastal region under the umbrella of Forest & Bird Wellington Branch. The Places for Penguins (PfP) committee oversees and manages the project and strategies towards achieving the effective conservation work of kororā around Wellington. Within the Wellington coastal region kororā are threatened by several urban and environmental issues such as cars, predators including domestic animals, development, human disturbance and climate change. To date we have been successful with implementing the installation of nestboxes, strategic predator control, creating safe havens for kororā, community outreach and advocacy and long-term monitoring spanning over 10 years.
Location of main site: Wellington South Coast - Balaena Bay right round to Ōwhiro Bay, including Taputaranga Island.
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