
About Us

The Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand works with community groups, iwi, councils & government departments, research agencies, industry and educational institutions to share information and carry out projects that support and improve the restoration of coastal environments around New Zealand.

Our vision

“To see the majority of New Zealand’s coast restored and sustainably managed using indigenous species”

Our goals are to:

  • Facilitate research on New Zealand coastal ecosystems
  • Provide a network for information exchange on sustainable coastal management
  • Promote awareness of proven methods for protection, restoration, conservation and sustainable management of coastal environments

To achieve these goals we:

  • Organise an annual conference and workshops to discuss issues, share information and hear the latest research on coastal environments
  • Run a website where information is free and easily accessible and can host community coast care web pages
  • Commission coastal research projects and offer an annual post-graduate study award
  • Produce technical bulletins and articles detailing best practice methods for coastal restoration
  • Send out regular newsletters to keep members updated with research and other activities

Here is an introduction to the work of the Coastal Restoration Trust.

Our waiata

This waiata was composed by Sir Derek Lardelli and kindly donated to us at our 2016 conference in Gisborne:

Tāhuna Ora

Tai timu, tai pari

Tai mata tāhuna

Piri tata, piri tahi

Piri kia ora

Mō āpōpō, mō ake, ake tonu rā

The translation of this is:

Dunes strong and vigorous

Tides that ebb and flow

Caressing the banks brow

Stand together and embrace as one

To ensure survival

For tomorrow, for the future, through the eons of time.