Wine, cheese and art evening in Whanganui raises funds for our next conference
Wine & Cheese Evening featuring local artist Pauline Allomes
Friday 25th September 5 to 6.30 pm
Duncan Pavilion, Rangiora Street, Castlecliff
- Progress Castlecliff Coast Care are launching Pauline’s upcoming exhibition “Line in the Sand
- Pauline is well known for her micrography works featuring environmental issues
- This time she has focused on dune plants observed at Castlecliff
- Pauline is donating a percentage of her sales to Castlecliff Coast Care
- In addition, Wine and Cheese evening proceeds support Whanganui based 2021 Coastal Restoration Trust NZ Conference
- Tickets $20. Register your attendance with Graham at [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] or 06 344 1012
Exhibition “Line in the Sand” is being held at Pauline’s home, 4 Barrack Street, Aramoho from 3rd to 11th October, as a Whanganui Heritage month event.
The exhibition includes a display of early Castlecliff photographs compiled by local historian Lynne Douglas.
Posted: 8 September 2020 in the News category