
McGregor Bay Wetland Society

McGregor Bay Wetland Society

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McGregor Bay Wetland Society

Name of contact person: C.Sutherland
Email address:
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Telephone number:
027 486 4043
Preferred method of contact:
Location of main site:
McGregor Bay, Coromandel. 2km from Coromandel Town towards Long Bay.
Date started:
July 2017

Purpose of group: Promote the protection, restoration, and ongoing resilience of the McGregor Bay Wetland through a collaborative community-based project, in partnership with local authorities;
Provide for the provision for improved community access and promote the importance and values of coastal wetlands through integrating conservation, education and art in order to encourage public enjoyment and participation

About the group: The group is a broad cross section of the community that wish to protect, restore and preserve the natural functioning and values of the McGregor Bay estuarine wetland at the margin of the Coromandel Harbour. The group also wishes to enable access for the community including disabled and small children.
The Society has the support of patukirikiri iwi, F&B, DOC, WRC and other community groups. At present the Society is in the process of forming a partnership arrangement with the Thames Coromandel District Council who own the wetland.
A co-ordinator will start in the new year with a baseline study which will contribute to a management plan, establish a trapping network and regime and ascertain the appropriate placing of any future boardwalk. The co-ordinator will also work with local school and pre-school to involve children in this process.
There is an unlisted floodgate on council reserve that restricts the natural flow of salt water into the wetland. The Society has expressed concern to the TCDC that this gate acts as a hindrance towards a better functioning wetland.