
Mangawhai Heads CoastCare Group

Mangawhai Heads CoastCare Group

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Mangawhai Heads CoastCare Group

Date started: 2015

Purpose: To protect and enhance the foreshore of Mangawhai’s greatest assets its harbour and beach.

About the group: Mangawhai Heads CoastCare Group was established to restore the dunes at the ocean beach. The group brings together a dedicated group of retirees supported by our local school, nursery Rural Design, Northland Regional Council, Kaipara District Council and the Dune Restoration Trust of New Zealand. The Mangawhai Heads ocean beach project has been broken down into three stages, with the first two stages of weed control and planting done. The group hopes to complete the area in 2017, although weed control and other maintenance will be ongoing.

Contact: Laura Shaft, Northland Regional Council

Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]

Phone: 0274357578